Benefits of membership
and joining the BSRS
The British Society of Rhinoplasty Surgeons welcomes new members. Full Membership is limited to those on the GMC Specialist Registers for ENT, Plastic Surgery and Maxillofacial Surgery. However, trainee membership is encouraged.
Every year, the BSRS organises two meetings, one in spring and one in late autumn.
We are currently developing a structure for the educational content that is based on more advanced aspects of rhinoplasty in the Autumn meeting and more general aspects in the Spring meeting.
Members of the society have access included in a membership for these meetings.
Starting in 2019, under the auspices of the BSRS we have started to organise a dissection course which promotes development of knowledge and skills for rhinoplasty using both established and new technologies.
Society members have discounted fees for the course.
Probably the most valuable benefit of membership is the open dialogue and collaboration between members of the society for development of the service we provide to our patients, in an area of surgery that is both challenging and rewarding.
Applying to Become a Member
If you wish to apply please click on the link and answer the online questions. There is a question asking about the number of rhinoplasties performed per year. This is not meant to be an obstacle to membership. It is simply to allow the society to piece together how rhinoplasty surgery is currently performed in the UK. The information from these questions will be anonymised and used to give members an overview of UK practice.
A pre-requisite of application is that you must have the support of two current members of the society. Please see the membership and council pages for a list of current members. The membership committee with then assess each application. Membership is not guaranteed.
If you do not know any current members please consider attending one of our meetings. The society is genuinely interested in its membership and wishes to encourage participation from any practitioners with an interest in rhinoplasty. The attendance fee at a meeting prior to joining will be deducted from your subsequent membership fee. Please contact the secretary about this.
Once membership is approved, you will be asked to email a recent photograph, and a 50-word short biography which will be added to the Society website. Please also confirm that you consent for this to be uploaded to the BSRS website.
Membership includes free registration and attendance at two meetings per year including lunch and refreshments.
Full Membership is £250
Click Here to Commence Registration
Trainee Membership
Please complete the online application but do not feel obliged to enter details of rhinoplasty practice. Support of two existing FULL members of the society is required for membership applications.
Trainee Membership is £150